Fables and Focaccia
....tastes and tales from the soul
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, welcome to a place dedicated to celebrating a passion and love affair with all things food.

Food, by definition, any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body, to sustain life, provide energy, and promote growth.  From a matter of fact point of view, we physically cannot survive without it.  However, sustenance and growth (at least in my opinion), go beyond the mere scientific.  Yes, food is nourishment for the body, but arguably, also for the heart, mind and soul.

Food truly has the power to stir up strong emotions, whether it's a warm bowl of comfort that takes the chill out of winter, or a cooling colada on a hot summer day; a glass full of sparkle in celebration; a spoonful of decadence to spark romance, or bread broken among friends who laugh and reminisce.

Thinking back on many of the wonderful moments, that have become unforgettable memories in my life, there seems to be a common thread woven throughout and that is the recollection of some delicious fare that has tantalized my tastebuds.  Food has clearly been for me, the recipe for a lifetime of fond memories of family gatherings and friendly chatterings, as well as worldly travels and self marvels.

While Italian cuisine (hence the focaccia part of my title), particularly that of the Southern region, is at the heart of many of my memoires,  I have a passion for food that runs broad and deep. And, because of that, I will also highlight, many of the other fine samplings that I have been privileged enough to enjoy.

I hope that my food fables will inform and educate all those reading, but most of all, I hope they will conjure up fond thoughts and recapture faces and places in time for you as well.

Buon Appetito!

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